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House of Stairs (12/4/2005)

How to play

To move use the mouse, the character will move toward your cursor, to jump press the left mouse button and the character will jump slightly toward the cursor's position.
If you leave the mouse left button pressed while in air character will move very slightly to mouse.
What to do:
Collect all keys needed to unlock the door and get to next level.
Avoid the gray running guys, they will beat you up.
Avoid the ball with sharp nails, it hurts.
Created by jazzuo, all right reserved.

Collect squares with save written on it to be able to save the game in more places.
Collect squares with a time amount written on it to get more time to finish the level.

Download hosuseofstairs.exe (1.9mbs)

The option below is the original .gmd file the file above was exported from, Jazzuo never made a full version. If you need the correct GameMaker version it's version 5.3, check our Tools Page to find it.

Download chalenge2finished.zip (400kbs)