ok it is a simple game based platform puzzles and minigolf games. In this game you move arounf with your character using arrow keys and controle the hammer with mous to shoot a ball with it. Your goal is to put the golf ball into the whole with a flag in time.

S=save game

L=load game

R=restart level(if u save or collect save item during the game, you will get your save amount back to the amount you had in begining of level)

Ctrl or Enter= change camera from ball to player and back

cursor on edge of screen=move the view

collect squares with save written on it to be able to save game in more places

collect squares with time amount written on it to get more time for finishing the level


"CESKY" (v uvozovkach pro jeji osobitou gramatiku)

takze tohle je jednoducha hra ktera je kombinaci minigolfu a hlavolamu a bludiste. V tyhle hre se hybes sipkama a ovladas kladivo co se pouziva jako golfova hole misi. Tvuj ukol je dostat mic do diry driv nez ti vyprsi cas vole

S=ulozit hru

L=vratit se do ulozeny hry

R=znovu hrat level na kterejm ses (pokut se ti behem levelu zmeni pocet moznych ukladani her vrati se mnozstvi tehle mnozstvi spatky jaks to mel na zacatku levelu)

Ctrl nebo Enter= menis pohled, bud sledujes hrace nebo golfovy mic

dasli mis na hranu obrazovky= presunes vzhled

zbirej ctverce s napisem "SAVE" abys zvysil pocet moznch ukladani her


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